Supporting the person's decisions
About decisions
If we are to be effective in supporting a person living with disability to make their own decisions and have those decisions honoured, it makes sense to first understand what it meant by a decision.
For everything you ever wanted to know about the nature of decisions, go to the Wise Decision website.
About supported decision-making (SDM)
In essence, supported decision-making refers to a range of methodologies designed to uphold a person's right to make their own decisions, to be the author of their own life, even when that person may have disabling circumstances that raise questions about their decision-making capacity.
SDM can apply and be effective even when a person may have had a guardian (a substitute decision maker) appointed in their life.
At the National Resource Centre for Supported Decision-Making, there are great tools, resources and videos hat illustrate how people have the right to make choices, decisions and direct their own lives.
Supported Decision Making website
ACT advocacy agency ADACAS provide a clear summary of the principles underpinning supported decision-making.
Supported decision-making in the ACT
ACT advocacy agency ADACAS have developed a tool to assist decision making, and have people trained in using it. The first link below explains the background to its introduction in ACT.
The link below goes to ADACAS's specific web-based tool.
Web-based tool for supported decision-making